
Andrea’s work in live music is a mix of songwriting, performing, arranging for bands, and composing for both instrumental and vocal ensembles. Below is a smattering of all that.

Cover of Andrea Daly's "Right Here" EP, black and white, Daly with hands in hair

Right Here EP

Original EP of melodic pop, blues/rock, and soul/R&B, released in 2016. Recorded at Converse Rubber Tracks in Brooklyn.

Good Old Fashioned Love

Song by Andrea and Jeff Goldford, arranged by Dan Pugach.


Ariana Grande cover, arranged by Andrea and Justin Goldner.

Beloved, for SATB chorus

“Beloved” is an original choral work, commissioned by Dr. Benjamin Locke. The Kenyon College Chamber Singers performed the piece on tour, a live recording is available below. After their remaining 2020 academic year was scrambled due to COVID-19, the singers independently put together a virtual recording of “Beloved” on YouTube as a special tribute.

A barren wispy tree in January, against a foggy blue-green-gray sky

January Sessions EP

Original singer-songwriter tunes for Warner/Chappell Music, January 2014. Recorded at Degraw Sound, Brooklyn.

Selections from Concert Works (classical music)

A sprawling hand-written score on orchestra paper, Andrea Daly's PhD orchestration of Prokofiev's "Visions Fugitives" Op. 22 No. 10

Original orchestration for Prokofiev’s Visions Fugitives Op.22 No.10